
Topical issues of implementation of the Eurasian Economic Commission’s powers on pre-trial settlement of disputes The article is devoted to the practice of implementation of the procedure of pre-trial dispute settlement by Eurasian Economic Commission initiated by economic entities of member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is an obligatory stage of consideration of dispute in the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union. A number of problematic issues that require, in the opinion of the author, an early resolution for the purpose of improving the efficiency and relevance of this procedure are revealed. International law and the US doctrine of preventive self-defense This article, which is the fourth copyrighted material in a given cycle (Maintenance of peace and security: the international legal assessment of the events in Syria №10 (89) 2015; International law on the principle of non-use or threat of force: History and Modernity № 11.

Mar 1, 2018 - (Translator Profile - Marcia Intriago) Translation services in Russian to Spanish (Automotive / Cars & Trucks and other fields.). Apr 10, 2016 - Error. Access to the book has been restricted by the system. If you have any questions, please contact the author or publisher.

(90) 2015); The international law of self-defense States. №1 (92) 2016) are analyzed problems of the US doctrine of preventive defense in the light of the 'National Security Strategy' from 2006. The preventive war in the light of the Bush Doctrine in 2003 against Iraq was the egregious blunder in American history foreign policy. Overall, Obama's foreign policy, especially no different from going from Bush's foreign policy, skillfully manipulating the doctrine of preventive self-defense, to impose a unipolar world in the international community contrary to the basic principles and norms of international law.

What can cause consequences of revision of the 51st article of the UN Charter? Zvuki windows privet poka. Forecasting in national and international law making and its relationship with legal forecasting This article differentiates between the categories of legal forecasting, and forecasting in lawmaking (both national and international). Applying the method of comparative analysis to the elements of each category the conclusions are drawn regarding the qualitative differences between subject, object, and methods. This article also presents the definitions of «forecasting in law-making» and «legal forecasting». International legal principle of precautionary approach to fisheries managemen In the article the stages of the principle of the precautionary approach to fisheries management, its international legal content and meaning are considered.

He must have produced his major work no earlier than the 1180s and no later than the first decade of the 13th century, most probably 1205-1207. Smeta na pozharotushenie video. Shota Rustaveli died between 1245-1250.