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Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Watch Queue Queue. Lost Alpha is Stalker’s phantom limb. When Shadow of Chernobyl was first released, it was clear that the developers had cut corners. You can’t call a game that took six years to be made ‘a rush job’, but there were bloody stumps where limbs used to be.

2015- Contact has been lost with our main expeditionary group. Nikita, our perimeter scout, has reported higher-than-usual wild life activity at the designated meeting place with the expedition's information carrier. The carrier, nowhere to be found, has failed to respond to the last three scheduled monthly radio check-ins. Dead or alive, they are effectively in the wind now. New followers continue to arrive on a weekly basis, most are anxious to enter the zone, and to link up with the main group. People are getting antsy, and coupled with the progressively more imaginative rumors that are starting to make the rounds, I feel that if no action is taken it'll just be a matter of time before the group splinters.

Those of us who stayed behind to coordinate the follow-up expedition on the promise of a base site in the zone, may very well have to now lead a search expedition instead. There's still time. The first group entered shortly after Nikita's report of several 'distinctly supernatural ground tremors' originating in the interior of the zone, which the founder interpreted to be the awaited sign. I now wish very much The Zone would give me a sign. -Vasiliy -2014- Welcome stalker to the Lost Alpha.

This is a camp for followers of the upcoming Lost Alpha event, said to occur soon in The Zone. The group is situated in Kiev, about 100km outside of the military cordon and 130+ outside of Chernobyl NPP. Via a generous benifitiary, we've paid off the military patrol at the southwest entry and are currently waiting for a sign from the zone itself to go in. To the new followers entering the camp, please be sure to introduce yourself at the bar! 13 October, 2018 - ♦♣OneFirmCat♥♠ 2 Comments 6 months on since the announcement and not a lick of news.

Which is normal! However, there's good reason to question if the current GSC is even capable of developing a worthy sequel.


Can they capture the 'S.t.a.l.k.e.r. Feel' with a new engine? Are they developing the engine the same time as the game? Concurrent development has ruined a lot of highly anticipated sequels. Is the new game even a sequel, or is it going to be like Cossack 3, i.e.

A modern remake of the original? How many would pay for a HD remake with obligatory multiprocessor support? Me, and a lot of others no doubt. The wait goes on.

ALekSawQQa loploplop OneShot sibTriKita OMTKTOTAM? Empower rakxa B@D71rus eAc|nesterOFF.Pro CCCP*Creative PrEsTiGiO Furien.Gajik. Krasivie bukvi russkogo alfavita dlya nika o.

For now I can only dream of the Bar, Wild Territory, Zaton. I dream of finding the klondike in a pool of glowing death in what was once a laundromat, whilst in the not far distance wild beasts howl under a stormy sky.

1) Download the original version of the game via Steam (i.e just take and install Shadow of Chernobyl in Steam). 2) Download Lost Alpha. You can download it from the official site or Moddb. Official site is [] 3) Then locate the folder where you have stalker, for example Mine is in D: Steam SteamApps common STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl And just delete the entire contents of the STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl (Delete everything in it), the folder itself called STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, we save!


4) Run the installation of Lost Alpha During the installation, the path we specify is this: D: Steam SteamApps common STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl A message that the folder already exists will come up, just click yes. 5) After installing the game, go to D: Steam SteamApps common STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, there will be a folder namned bins, Rename it to bin 6) Now go to the library in Steam, and as usual run STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl. Tried as best as i could to translate it, But it was a couple of wierd things:P EDIT: Update: I just ran into the issue others have brought up that the overlay won't work with the patched versions. Fix: For me the fix was to run the steam exe as administrator (windows 8 64 bit), after shutting down and restarting steam the overlay worked.